A soundscape study to reveal an unseen layer of acoustics within an internal environment. Atelier 1 is a common space that is used by different groups of people in various times of the day/night, for various purposes. To grasp a better understanding of these overlay of people, time and usage, the soundscape of Atelier 1 was visualised through capturing and digitally processing sound.
In many institutes around the globe, researches are being done in many individual subjects under sonic studies such as acoustics, psychoacoustics, noise management, sound engineering and music. Schafer relates these studies with a simple yet contextually complicated question: what is the relationship between human and the soundscape of her/his environment and what happens when these sounds change (1976)? For example, Noise pollution these days always related with the solution of noise abatement. Schafer and Truax divide these ever-evolving relationships between soundscape and environment into two basic types: negative and positive soundscapes. To create a better understanding of the distinction between these two types, Schafer proposes a question as a filter: which sounds do we want to preserve, encourage, multiply?