This is a case study on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London. The research based its argument on the fact that in order to understand our urban environment in every aspect, we have to reveal its sonic identity and sonic zones. The amalgamation of "good" and "bad" sounds creates an invisible sonic layer that directs us towards beneficial solutions in our cities. Various digital visualisation and simulation tools were used as part of the research in order to reveal the sonic clustering of the site.
Our sonic environment within the Anthropocene epoch has a key role in the investigation and understanding of our human existence and relationships with our surrounding. Thus, it takes an evolutionary path throughout the Anthropocene. The evolutionary timeline initiates with rural settlements and expands till the post-digital world, our modern world.
The study build its backbone along the "soundscape" theory. The term “soundscape” proposed by Murray Schafer as an inclusive roof to cover all aspects of our sonic environment. The primary objective of this new research field is to relate sonic/acoustic environment with the landscape shaped by both nature and human. Though, throughout the timeline of the Anthropocene, the interrelation of soundscape and our urban environment changed consistently. Schafer and Truax define these ever-evolving relationships between soundscape and urban environment in two characteristics such as negative and positive soundscapes. Ingold describes the soundscape as a communication platform (2009), where the sound is also recognised as a mutual. However, today, sound in our built environment considered as "noise" and seen as a hostile figure. It is not treated as an entity. This destructive humancentric behaviour against sound causes many misleading decisions made for our cities. It is evident that positive oppositions between different beings are beneficial in urban spaces.